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'Vision at Brigid's Well in Killare' - Original Oil Painting
'Mother Rising' - Original Oil Painting
Eitilt na Leannán Eala' (Flight of the Swan Lovers) - Prints
'Eitilt na Leannán Eala' (Flight of the Swan Lovers) - Original Oil Painting
'Doras na Sióg' - Oils on Canvas and Cast Frame
'Vision at Brigid's Well' - Prints
'Mother Rising' - Prints
'Doras an Bhandraoi' - Original Painting
'Croà na Cré' - Prints
'Doras an Bhandraoi' - Prints
'Vision of Ériu' - Prints
'Lugh' - Prints
'Lugh'- Original Painting
'The Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother'- 40 x 50cm Giclée Print
'Feeling in Waves' - Original Pencil Drawing Framed
'Shield of the Triple Goddess' - Framed Original Drawing
'The Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother' - Framed print 40 x 50cm
'The Swell' - Framed print 40 x 50cm